NSI Gold
We are founder members of NSI (formerly NACOSS) Gold Premier Scheme for Intruder alarms, CCTV, Fire alarms and Access Control, NACOSS Gold is designed for companies that meet the industry's highest standards by achieving business excellence through ISO 9001 Quality Management, as well as displaying technical expertise by meeting the appropriate British and European Standards.

Established in 1984, BAFE is the independent organisation dedicated to improving standards in fire protection. BAFE is the not for profit, registration body for Companies who achieve third party certification for their fire protection services. Companies who are registered to BAFE schemes demonstrate a commitment to service excellence

The BSIA is the trade association for the private security industry in the UK. Our members provide over 70% of UK security products and services.

The FIA is the largest trade association for the Fire Industry in the UK. They are a not for profit organisation and a major provider for fire safety training