Advanced and Apollo XP95 Addressable Fire detection and alarm systems
Addressable Fire alarm systems are designed for larger and more complex buildings and can identify each single device on the system at the control panel. Whilst always used on larger buildings they are often installed in smaller buildings, when the need for certain parameters are required which are not available on conventional systems. Addressable systems can be of hybrid design incorporating part wireless equipment.
Advanced Addressable fire systems are found in over 60 Countries. There systems are found in applications as small as a single panel fire system right through to a multi node network systems in the most prestigious and challenging locations.
There range of MX Pro, Touchcontrol and PSUs are used exclusively by Justice Fire and Security to give you the customer total peace of mind that your Business Premises are protected by the highest technology.
Advanced Fire control panels are designed to work with other manufacturers of fire detection devices and for this Justice partners with Apollo Fire detectors. Apollo fire detectors specialises in the design and manufacture of high quality fire detection solutions for commercial and industrial applications. Based in Havant near Portsmouth the Company for over 40 years has designed and built products that save lives and protect property.
Justice Fire and Security is proud to partner these two well established manufacturers of Fire and Life safety products.
Advantages of Addressable Fire Alarm systems
- Ring type wiring design (a single break in the cable should not affect the operation of the system)
- Identification of each device on the system at the control panel making fault or fire activations easy to locate.
- Can be installed from the smallest building right through to the largest of shopping centres, hospitals and airports.
- Event log to hold all system activations
- Complex cause and effect parameters can be set (e.g. lift grounding, plant shut down etc)
- Easier to reconfigure zones by simply programming without altering the system wiring.
- Lower wiring costs than conventional systems.
- Remote diagnostics.
- Apart from costing more there are no disadvantages over conventional systems.
Survey installation and commissioning process
A FREE on site survey is carried out by one of our qualified designers and a quotation is raised for the work required.
If the proposal is acceptable to the client our designer will return to site and carry out a pre installation survey to make sure there has been no changes since the original survey. The survey doesn't take long and shortly after we will issue design drawings and certification in accordance with BAFE and NSI Gold requirements. A mutually aggregable date is set with the client for installation.
Installation engineers will visit on the start date and proceed to install the system. Depending on the size of the system they may be on site each day for many days until the system is installed and then it will be handed over to a commissioning engineer.
Our commissioning engineer will fully test the system and give a comprehensive demonstration to the client. The engineer will fit the zone layout drawing to the wall and issue a log book and operators manual. BAFE Certification will be sent out from our administration office shortly afterwards.
Our engineers will carry out six monthly (or more often on large systems) preventative maintenance visits and we are available 24/7 should you have any problems or require some advice.
We recommend and install the Advanced and Apollo XP95 Addressable system range of equipment but we can also provide installation and service on Fike, C-Tec and Novar manufacturers equipment.
Contact us today to discuss and arrange for a FREE site survey of your business premises